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Descriptions for my BBT custom heads

I made this because i was bored.

The first 4.

White the Paw

He wanted to be in BattleBlock Theater to know what it's like to have a human body. I'm not sure why you would want to be in prison for that...
Details: Square head and he is a Paw


Hey look, he had a medical issue when he was born that made him as a circle unlike other paws. You must be sorry for him. Being a circle isn't easy.
Details: Circle head and he is a Paw.


That's one big looking spike. Haven't seen one of those yet. Why did it move? IT'S ALIVE??
Details: Triangle head and he is a Paw


White's older brother, that explains why he is slightly taller than him. Don't get tricked though, he looks shorter than White but trust me, he is taller.
Details: Cylinder head and he is a Paw

The First Tiny 4.

Young White

Mom, can we get a Nintendo Wii please? it costs 300 dollars, we have more than that! Please please please?
Details: Tiny square head and he is a Paw

Young Gray

White is younger, why am i shorter than him? That is stupid.
Details: Tiny cylinder head and he is a Paw

Young Max

Some people have made fun of him on the streets. Stupid idiots. He was homeschooled because of this.
Details: Tiny circle head and he is a Paw

Tiny Spike

*sigh*, now a normal spike is alive...
Details: Tiny triangle head and he is a Paw. I guess you can try to use this to trick others, but i haven't played BBT in a while so i ain't sure.

Pawgamer and Footyfoot.


One of the two creators of the paws. Likes to play videogames! By the way the burgers from A&W are good.
Details: Square head and he is Pawgamer himself.

Young Pawgamer

Math sucks after 4th grade. oh what's that? LONG DIVISION? NNOOOOOO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I'LL DO ANYTHING TO SKIP LONG DIVISON PLEASE I SWEAR TO GOD. *gets a score of 2 on 18 on his long division test*
Details: Tiny square head and he is Pawgamer himself but young.


Pawgamer's little brother. He likes Geometry Dash. A game i suck at.
Details: Square head and he is Footyfoot, the footy

The Skelepaws.

Skelepaw #1

Don't worry. He is still alive.
Details: Triangle head and he is an undead Paw.

Skelepaw #2

Got brought back to life by none other than Pawgamer himself. Only for an experiment though.
Details: Cylinder head and he is an undead Paw.

Humble Pawmble and Melt.

Humble Pawmble

The leader of the waturps... that is a water bottle paw, thing.
Details: Cylinder head and he is a Paw Water Bottle


He asked Pawgamer if he can be on the 404 page of this website. Pawgamer agreed and you can see him here.
Details: Circle head and he is an Ice Cream Paw
Fun fact: change team color to be different ice cream flavors!

Exploding Paw Victims, The Scammer and a cursed BBT cat.

Exploding Paw Victim #1

The perfect costume! Now no one will know that it's actually me!
Details: Circle head and he is Max in a bomb costume

Exploding Paw Victim #2

This is what happens when you rage too much. Don't let it happen to you! You WILL blow up!
Details: Circle head and he is a Paw bomb

"you like crabby patties don't ya squidward" looking paw

This one was based on that funny face spongebob makes in an episode of his show.
Details: Cylinder head and he is a Paw.


Details: A cat from BBT but like... more cursed. (what was i thinking back then?)

Peppino, The Noise and another cat.

Peppino Spaghetti

Okay you look-a right here! I baked that into a pizza ONCE and nobody can ever know. Not even the health inspector. Capeesh?
Details: It's Peppino Spaghetti! Sadly without his singature Mach Run ability. He is from Pizza Tower, a banger game that you should play. (Credit to the PT wiki and dead PT discord server for the flavor text.)

The Noise (Theodore Noise)

Hey-a! Howsabout a nice ride in this washing machine here? Admission is freeeee!
Details: Bring the Noise! It's that silly gremlin, The Noise. Pair him up with the Grenade and start noisin'! He is from Pizza Tower, a banger game that you should play. (Credit to the PT wiki and dead PT discord server for the flavor text.)

Battle Cat

You know who this is.
Details: Circle head and.. it's the first cat that you get in The Battle Cats! (not sponsored btw please don't sue me aarrghh AAAAAAAAAAAA- oh i'm fine yippee

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